Conversation 1
Me: Just sponged mattress with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Hopefully by this afternoon it will be usable again.(If you are curious readers this is to remove human urine off a mattress)
My First Husband: You really do rock. Rainman and The Nazgul should feel very lucky
Me: That's what I am always saying. Drank the last of chicken soup out of bowl but started singing and now covered in soup.
My First Husband: you were singing while drinking soup???
Me: Not when I started but then my current fav song came my vag smells like chicken and corn soup.
My First Husband: Do you mind if I come home for lunch?
Me: Alright but you can't look at me or talk to me
Conversation 2
Me: Would you wear this style of 50's bowling shirt kind of thing. I really like it but don't know if you would go for it.
Its okay if you don't like it. Just want to know.
My First Husband: Yes, I like it. I got you a Christmas gift .. its should be delivered tomorrow or friday so don't open anything..
do you like these...
do you like these...
Guess I had better get back to actually working. Oh and an update to last week's parcel delivery, turns out I had ordered a night light in the shape of a cat and a heap of red polka dot plastic plates, containers and salad bowls. I opened the door and said "Hi" in such a sunny way a little bit of sick popped up, and the Aust Post guy replied (a tad accusationally if you ask me) "Did I see you pushing a pram this morning?". I said "Ummm, Probably. I was taking my little girl to daycare?" and then he walked away. I am currently designing a poster for the front door that says JUST SAY HELLO.