So walking back from dropping the Nazgul at daycare this
morning I composed the most outstanding blog post in my head, truly it was magnificent
so it was deeply unfortunate that I got home and discovered that my brother
will be speaking in the third person for the rest of the week AND (as if that
weren’t enough) I got an incredibly exciting email from
and all the awesome fell completely out of my head. I then started this blog
post but there was some kind of dancing/coffee/PC incident (I am not entirely
sure of the details but we’re all fine) and it got deleted. Anyway, I have
pasted the most exciting bits of the email below:
Please be advised of your article
delivery status.
with Driver
Now this might be rather mundane info to many people but for
several reasons I am so excited that I can’t possibly do a lick of work today
(or most likely tomorrow). Firstly, I have very little contact with the outside
world so I consider the postman to be a visitor. Secondly, I have discovered
the awesome combination of on-line Christmas shopping, wine and My First Husband’s
credit card number (Baby, If you are reading this just remember I am the best
you can do okay?) so the contents of the packages are often quite a surprise.
Please see below for an example of yesterday’s effort.
However, the third and most important reason is the parcel
post guy. Now we have had the same delivery driver for years and he is
generally quite a pleasant chap. I am still slightly miffed from the incident a
few years ago when I realised after signing for a parcel the buttons on my
shirt were undone and he didn’t even have the decency to look impressed.
Seriously. But yesterday was the ultimate conversation
Me (opening the door): Hi
Post guy (handing me the
electronic signing thingy): Do you even work?
Me (signing): Ummmm….I work from
home a lot.
And he leaves without saying
another fucking word.
I was/am absolutely delighted, it is not often that I meet
someone worse at small talk than me but the fact that I know he is coming back
today is just fantastic. Even more so
considering last night I had a couple of scotches and dyed my hair the colour
that once prompted a co-worker to say “Did you mean for it to come out like that?” I really don’t think enough
grown women dye their hair a primary colour that glows (I am not being
hyperbolous here, it is glowing). Now my beloveds how to answer the door? So
far I am considering constructing a facsimile of a lo-jack device around my
ankle, or slipping him a note that says “Please contact ASIO, I need immediate
extraction…they’re onto me”…..or I suppose I could just write my overdue
report. Any suggestions?